2018‒2019:CSC联合培养博士研究生,水文学及水资源专业,University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
2013‒2016:硕士研究生, 自然地理学专业, 中国科学院大学
2009‒2013:本科,地理科学专业, beat365在线体育
[1] Xu, S., McVicar, T.R., Li, L., Yu, Z., Jiang, P., Zhang, Y., Ban, Z., Xing, W., Dong, N., Zhang, H., Zhang, M., 2022. Globally assessing the hysteresis between sub-diurnal actual evaporation and vapor pressure deficit at the ecosystem scale: patterns and mechanisms. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 323, 109085.
[2] Xu, S., Yu, Z., Lettenmaier, D.P., McVicar, T.R., and Ji, X., 2020. Elevation-dependent response of vegetation dynamics to climate changes in a cold mountainous region. Environmental Research Letters, 15(9), 094005.
[3] Xu, S., Yu, Z., Yang, C., Ji, X., Zhang, K., 2018. Trends in evapotranspiration and their responses to climate change and vegetation greening over the upper reaches of Yellow River Basin. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 263, 118–129.
[4] Xu, S., Yu, Z., Zhang, K., Ji, X., Yang, C., and Zhang, K, 2018. Simulating canopy conductance of the Haloxylon ammodendron shrubland in an arid inland river basin of northwest China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 249, 22–34.
[5] Xu, S., Yu, Z., Ji, X., and Sudicky, E.A., 2017. Comparing three models to estimate transpiration of desert shrubs. Journal of Hydrology, 550, 603–615.
[1] 国家自然科学基金,青年基金项目,黄河源区径流和实际蒸散发时空变化特征与驱动机制研究,主持
[2] 水文水资源与水利工程国家重点实验室, 面上项目,干旱区生态系统蒸散发变化及其调节机制,主持
[3] 江苏省教育厅,研究生创新项目,西北干旱区典型固沙灌木蒸腾耗水规律及其模拟,主持
[4] 河海大学优博培育计划,变化环境下黄河源区蒸散发时空变化及其遥感反演,主持
[5] 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,变化环境下黄河源区关键水文过程机理及分布式模型研究,参与
[6] 国家重点研发计划“水资源高效利用开发利用”重点专项,多尺度水文水资源预报预测预警关键技术与应用研究,参与
[7] 甘肃省绿洲资源环境与可持续发展重点实验室开放课题,面向生态需水变动的西北内陆河流域水资源生态调度研究,合作申请
[1] 省级线下一流课程,自然地理学,排名5/5,2022
[2] 省级虚拟仿真实验教学一流课程,地球概论,排名3/5,2022
[3] 校级一流本科课程,地球概论,排名3/5,2021
[1] 河海大学优秀博士论文,河海大学,2022
[2] 博士研究生国家奖学金,教育部,2017和2018
[3] 刘光文奖学金,中国水力学会,2019
[4] 清华大学博士生学术论坛“优秀报告”,清华大学,2017
[5] 地奥奖学金,中国科学院大学,2016
CV in English
Dr. Shiqin Xu
My research interests include:
[1] Hydrology and climate: my group especially focuses on measurements and modeling of the land surface hydrological processes (i.e., evaporation, runoff, and terrestrial water storage) under changing environment. By doing so, we try to understand how water cycle responses to climate change and how water cycle feedbacks to atmosphere.
[2] Ecohydrology: we are very interested in the breath (especially the HO2 and CO2 fluxes), trends, and feedbacks of ecosystem to atmosphere under changing climate.
[3] Remote sensing in hydrology: we try to combine remote sensing retrievals (like albedo, surface temperature, snow cover, and so on) and advanced algorithms (artificial intelligence techniques) to extend our research from site and/or basin to regional and global scale.
Bachelor: Physical Geography, Hydrology
Master: Advanced Physical Geography.
[1] 2016‒2020: PhD of Engineering, Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, P.R. China
[2] 2018‒2019: Visiting student, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
[3] 2013‒2016: Master of Science, Physical Geography, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China
[4] 2008‒ 2013: Bachelor of Science, Geography Science, Northwest Normal University, P.R. China